Agricare is very delighted to take us through these amazing models one after the other for better understanding of these futuristic and efficient livestock production techniques/approach with less stress and cost as against the current obtainable practice of curative medicines.
Disease Prevention and Control through Bio-Security:
This is referred to as the war of the Sub-Conscious + Conscious mind. This terminology was derived and used because the pathogens that we are at war against have not yet manifested any destructive action at this stage but needed to be fought and defeated even with the greatest zeal and innovative tools before they become destructive.
Every livestock expert and investor may have no other choice than to agree with these concepts because they define and determine the outcome of our dear investments and production efficiency in the area of survivability, livability and profitability spanning across small and large investments.
The objectives and advantages of a strict Bio-Security practice are not far-fetched. It is a pre-determined coordinated effort at exercising war against microbes, keeping the pathogen or diseases constantly at bay while limiting or destroying the internal diseases before they cause farmers and investors unnecessary economic loss. This Bio-Security war is also a very profitable one in the long run because it saves enormous costs and stress of going through arbitrary and abusive antibiotic application and all the disadvantages that comes with it.
We must take note of this important call and heed to it that “Wait-and-Treat Approach has been wrong and will always be wrong.” Farmers should rather focus more on Bio-Security culture which guarantees and achieves better results instead of streaming in the application of drugs/antibiotics which in itself causes lots of damages to the helpful bacterial in the entire Gastro Intestinal Tract (GIT) that are supposed to promote and accelerate a healthy gut and growth.
Prevention via intense and wider vaccination coverage.
AGRICARE STD PLUS NIG LTD has been and will always be at the forefront in the drive towards an “all inclusive” disease prevention through vaccination exercise thereby giving immunity to the birds to fight against any disease that has been inoculated against such infection.
Why wouldn’t you let us embrace this innovative, futuristic and safer way of livestock and poultry production together rather than engaging in the never ending and very costly curative approach by continually drugging these little and lovely birds which at the end is meant to be consumed by humans including our young and beautiful children.
It is very obvious today that excessive use of antibiotic in poultry production with no withdrawal period observation has given a significant rise in both animal and human resistance to antibiotic treatment. It is therefore urgently demanding to point out that most bacteria resistance today in human health is directly traceable to this despicable and extremely detrimental practice in the system which in itself had paved way for zoonotic epidemic and public health concerns in our society. This trend must be addressed and tackled now rather than later in the interest of both present and future generation.
Agricare would appreciate if all the livestock stakeholders will see this antibiotic-drug exit strategy as a win-win strategy in the broader picture for all and not Agricare alone. In addition, speaking strategically on cost benefit analysis, it is also not economically sound/viable to produce with antibiotic usage. However antibiotic-drug use has only seemed wise just because the right approach have been given greater lead-way.
For example the prevention of mortality and un-expressed enormous suffering of animals can never be alleviated with anti-biotic application. Current trends in global livestock production had left this detrimental antibiotic practice behind in favour of more effective and safe alternatives. Agricare range of vaccine portfolio had over the years born sound testimony to success of this preventive strategy.
Prevention via non-pharmaceuticals through anti-microbial products in nutrition
This has been the greatest area of concerns. It is the most technically demanding and of course the area that requires the most innovation coupled with the fact that it is also an area where a lot of farmers have failed as a result of costs escalations veering the entire investments purpose out of track. Agricare and the entire farmer communities worldwide had long ago come to the understanding that the major cost in livestock production is weighing heavily on nutrition spending as it takes or covers well over 70% of the overall costs of production. However overcoming this particular huddles remain the greatest challenge for farmers, nutritionist’s and animal scientists.
Today we are all in the quest for innovations in improving the way in which animal nutrition can be made more beneficial to birds and animals in general thereby increasing growth, productivity and profitability in a more sustainable environmentally friendly ways. Here are some of our important tips from Agricare
Point 1. Securing the gastro-intestinal tracts and preventing the gut-health from invading pathogenic bacteria simply means that the growth engine (i.e the GIT) has been empowered and growth itself has been put on the fastest motion to deliver the most needed results without any disease interference or impediments in the flock which in turn is equivalent to the greater production success achieved at ease while also further resulting in a healthy margins that we are all craving for.
Point 2. Agricare is a strong believer in the philosophy that will forever promote the concepts of fortifying feed with immunity giving products such as All in one Miadiasan, Lactoaccidophilus and other pro-biotic products which do not only give immunity to the birds but also serve as growth promoters as well. Therefore the synergy in the combinations of these anti-microbial natural solutions+ good bio security exercise coupled with immunity fortification put in defense with the vaccination coverage is truly enough to protect flocks from pathogenic infections.
Needless to say that it is already clearly visible to all of us that all our environments are filled with loads of bacterial. Why then should any farmer practice a livestock production with a total exposure, leaving the flocks with neither a comprehensive vaccination protection nor comprehensive fortification of the nutrition that will create a strong defense against free radicals and all other invading pathogen that are both external and internal.
AGRICARE STD PLUS Nig Ltd welcomes all professionals who believe in these Innovative Concepts as way forward for Livestock Production, these are the ideas of the great minds and innovative Gurus.
Finally, it is the humble and clarion call of Agricare to all farmers, veterinarians, animal scientists, animal productions, animal protectionist and Investors to join us in these productive and futuristic animal production concepts that are environmentally friendly, healthy, pro-animal welfare and guarantees the overall wellbeing of the flocks.
Why not join Agricare in building a better and healthier tomorrow for all of us! Get in touch now