MiaDiasan Advanced
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Immune booster and Growth Promoter. MiaDiasan Advanced is an innovative combination of plant extracts and a unique probiotic for poultry and pigs as growth promoter and immune booster. It is a well proven feed additive with outstanding effects on livestock health and performance. Its carefully selected and balanced ingredients have synergistic effects on gut health and intestinal integrity (oreganum, essential oils) and will enhance overall performance to help the animal withstand gut related infections like coccidiosis.
MiaDiasan Advanced is a quick response solution, rapidly effective in cases of wet litter due to its astringent property.
- Plant extract
- Hydrolysable Tannins
- Oreganum
- Probiotic
- Bacillus substillis, Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Essential oil
- Diatomaceous Earth
- Calcium carbonate
Benefits of using MiaDiasan
The plant extract and Diatomaceous earth in MiaDiasan confers the followings
- Anti-microbial: MiaDiasan exerts directs action on pathogens like E.coli, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens.
- Excellent nutrient absorption: MiaDiasan protects the mucosa, lowers the rate of peristaltic movement of ingesta in the GIT to achieve maximum nutrient absorption.
- Reduces the incidence of pododermatitis (foot pad dermatitis) which usually results from wet litter especially in broiler.
- Improves gut integrity by protecting and coating of the Intestinal walls
- Astringent effect: Through astringent effect (Precipitation of tannin/protein complex), it reduces the absorption of contaminants, confers dry friable droppings and faecal texture hence eliminates ammonia load on the farm.
- Ensures efficient water regulation and absorption in the GIT with a resultant antidiarrheic effect.
- Guarantees better protein absorption and nutrient utilization.
MiaDiasan contains Oreganum and Essential Oils
- Anthelmintic property: MiaDiasan is a natural dewormer that effectively eliminates parasites within the GIT.
- Excellent for reaching target weight in due time.
- MiaDiasan is a natural growth promoter with positive effect on body weight gain.
- Improves feed intake, feed utilization and feed conversion ratio.
- Effectively boosts productive performance (egg production).
- Significantly reduces disease incidence and economic losses.
- MiaDiasan improves the intestinal microbiota and ileal villus height.
- A natural alternative to antibiotics and drugs due to the absence of side effects and residues. Extremely beneficial in the management of coccidiosis.
- Strengthens the immune systems of poultry and livestock.
MiaDiasan Also Contains Probiotic (Bacillus substilis, lactobacillus acidophillus)
- Stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibits numerous pathogenic bacterial activities in the gut of poultry and livestock.
- Enhances intestinal integrity and growth performance of poultry and pigs.
- Promotes microbiological meat quality of poultry.
- Significantly improves appetite, feed digestion and FCR.
- Stimulates the immune system response in poultry and swine.
- Increases digestive enzyme activity which results in improved feed conversion and better intestinal morphology.
- Mia Diasan colonizes the gut with the effect of competitive exclusion and leaves no space for harmful bacteria to adhere to the gut wall.
- Inhibits pathogenic bacterial enzyme activity.
- Mia Diasan reduces ammonia gas released in production houses thereby keeping it healthy.
- Reduces incidence of diarrhea and mortality.
- Enhances calcium bioavailabilty.
- Lowers cholesterol in blood, serum and meat of poultry.
- Reduces diseases incidence leading to reduction in use of antibiotics.
Benefits of Using MiaDiasan In Livestock Feeds
- Best Performance
- Balanced intestinal flora
- For dry litter
MiaDiasan is a real performance and health booster that reduces the need for antibiotic treatment, lowers mortality, and improves good health in flocks which translates to higher overall profit.
Dosage: 1kg to 1 tonne of feed
Animal Specie: Poultry & Porcine
Route of Administration: Feed Grade
Presentation: 1kg, 20kg
Product origin: Germany
Manufacturer: Miavit GmbH
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